How to build a robot
At first, building a robot may seem complicated and confusing, but it slowly becomes easier. Here are some helpful instructions to get you started:
- Robotics kits such as Tetrix and Actoboctics are a great way to start off.
- Tetrix kits are one of the most used robotics sets in the FTC competition. They even have a special competition kit for the FIRST Tech Challenge. Click here to order the kit. FTC teams are not only limited to the kits assembled by Tetrix. Teams can order individual pieces when they feel that some pieces are needed. Click here to go to the main Tetrix page.
- Actobotics kits are also used in the FTC competition. Actobotics pieces can be ordered here. Compared to tetrix, actobotics pieces are much more reliable. Tetrix gears have an easier time slipping of their axles, as compared to actobotics, but the tetrix competition kits would be more user-friendly for people who are new to robotics.
- When building a robot using both Tetrix and Actobotics pieces, there may be difficulty in connecting the two types of pieces. For this problem, the companies produced a special hub adapter to connect the pieces. Click here to order the hub adapters.
- Once you have the appropriate pieces to bulid a robot, it may be confusing as to where to start off. There are few major components of a robot including the chassis, drive train and other possible attachments such as an arm or chain mechanism. Here are some resources to have a better understanding of each section of the robot:
- Chassis
- Drive Train
- [Attachments]
During the process of building the robot, selections of the materials are crucial to the performance of the robot. Some materials provide benefits that others do not. The following links will take you through the pros and cons of some of the common materials used on the FTC robots:
- [Wheels]
- [Gears vs. Chains]
- [Servos vs. Motors]